09 Aug Incorporating Staffing into your Game Plan
The staffing industry has an aura of mystique surrounding it – How big is it? Who works in it? What type of jobs do they perform? We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help shed some light on the industry and the people who work in it – how many positions are filled every day, why they choose staffing career, and other good to know information.
Not Your Typical Staffing Company
Tailored staffing services, such as Wicresoft, are vastly different from a typical staffing agency. And of course, you can find your next dream job while partnering with a staffing company – it just needs to be the right one. There are plenty of options so make sure you are looking for the partner that’s right for you. Take the time to evaluate your qualifications and experience. If you have experience as a Project Manager and are a certified PMP, you don’t want to select a company that typically works with retail or customer service professionals. Choosing a specialty staffing agency aligned to your experience will help ensure you are placed in an ideal position.
Staffing Beyond Temporary Positions
Temp staffing agencies are the exception in the industry, not the rule. Most staffing companies focus on permanent positions. If you’re looking to find a job to stay in on a long-term basis, a staffing company can help provide you with that solution. If you haven’t had success finding a company who specializes in finding long-term positions, expand your search and do some research – temp agencies only make up 20% of the staffing industry.
Finding Your Dream Job
Reputable and experienced staffing organizations will know how to place candidates into qualified positions they will love. This happens more often than you think. When selecting your perfect staffing company match, take a quick look at the reviews and testimonials. A company with good placements will be established and have positive reviews.
Including Staffing in Your Game Plan
Quality staffing companies provide unique opportunities that provide value to the candidate and the client. Staffing is becoming the preferred method for employers to find skilled professionals. Over 12 million people worked for staffing companies last year, and 9/10 said their experience made them more employable. These numbers are no surprise – companies need assistance filling positions, and individuals want help finding the best role for them.
Personalized Staffing
Wicresoft leads the market with staffing solutions specializing in IT, PMO, Project Management, and Telecom. As a trusted staffing company, we support the entire United States, from coast to coast. Our team of experienced recruiters is dedicated to providing employers with qualified professions and prospective candidates with their dream jobs. If you’re seeking a perfect match, contact us through our talent center to learn more. Don’t put it off any longer.